May 2024 Paint-0uts
Spring is here. For Portland that means Flowers and Showers. You have to decide your own tolerance for rain. If it is raining straight down I will attempt to reschedule when the weather is better. Here is our May 2024 calendar: Friday, May 3rd : Paint the Iris garden in South Waterfront Park, 2001 S River Dr. from 1pm to 3pm. Thursday, May 9th: Paint Crystal Springs Garden, 5801 SE 28th Ave, from 10am to 12:30pm. The Crystal Springs volunteers request that we carry our paint water in/out, that we have a drop cloth under our easels, and that we don't block the paths. There is an $8.95 entry fee. However, you may enter with the Community Access Program showing a Oregon Trail Card/ SNAP EBT WIC, TANF, REF/RCA or TriMet Honored Citizen. They suggest a pay-as-you-wish donation. Tuesday, May 14 : Paint Elk Rock Garden, 11800 S Military Ln, from 10am to 1pm (the garden is open from 8am to 5pm). The Garden at Elk Rock is privately owned and is generously open for the publi...